It's Sunday morning and today we're faced with a riveting decision.
I've had my brekkie, my cuppa tea, did a little knitting.
But should I visit the local yarn shop? I could just stay here at my parents' house and continue knitting, or I could meander over to Creative Hands to check out their new location...
oh decisions, decisions.
Lord knows that I don't actually need any yarn, but I did leave my cable needle at home. We've been making do with a tapestry needle and we only have to cable once every ten rows, but you know. It's really important to have the right tools for the job. At least that's what I've been telling myself.
And I did try to cast on for Icarus last night. Got through the set up rows only to foul up exponentially on row 7 of Chart 1. I'm not understanding how the stitch markers are supposed to work with the decreases. Anyway I had to frog the work. And I think the size 3 needle I'm using is too big. That's not usually such a problem for me because I am a tight knitter. I just feel like 2's are going to be a better fit. Maybe I do need to go to the yarn shop. I really would like to get the hang of Icarus sooner rather than later.
Well. Guess I'd better get dressed. It's not good to pop over to the LYS in your jammies.
And so it continued by day and by night
12 years ago
I have not gone as far in the first repeat, but I am also thinking that 3s are too big. Too bad Warren has no 2s either. I may have to buy something online and wait for their arrival. Grump.
Have you ever tried cabling without a anything? I've never tried it, but people who've gotten it down rave about it.
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