Sunday, September 17, 2006

Just a Quick Note Before Dinner...

I went all martha stewart today. Dinner will be broiled tri-tip, corn fritters and bean salad.

And I knit til the cows came home (or at least until Mr. G came home from the gym)

I got to the armhole decreases on the back of the Central Park hoodie.
I finished all of the knitting on the knitty submission I'm working on. Just need to do some last minute embroidery and then actually write the pattern in time for the October deadline.

And I knit through another ball on the clapotis I'm making in Crystal Palace creme.

Despite feeling lazy and slightly guilty for knitting all weekend. One could say that I got a lot done.

I mean. I even managed to make a chicken soup yesterday.

I'm just going to sit here and pat myself on the back.

pat pat pat.


PS: not to forget my geeky side, I did roll my new gnome rogue for the all girl campaign that starts next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ang- I had this crazy dream last night that i was playing D&D and I've never played it before! I woke up thinking of you ;)