Tuesday, January 31, 2006

First Cold of the New Year


I hate being sick. This cold came out of nowhere. One minute I was brunching with knitting friends, the next I was sneezing up a storm. I feel particularly bad for my parents because they suffered. My dinner was not up to snuff. I took the roast chicken out too soon. Uhg. And my lazy hostessing caused another major incident. My dad wanted a cup of tea and we have one of those snazzy electric tea kettles that heats the water up in a few moments. It's one of those kettles that looks like the old fashioned ones that you put on the stove... I think you know where I'm going with this. Electric Kettle plus gas stove = fire hazard. Don't worry, nobody got hurt. Nonetheless everyone had a good time. You can't go wrong when you've got a fire in the fire place and Horatio Hornblower on the TV.

Knitting Wise I'm on a rampage. Over the weekend, I finally finished the Big Green Fleece Artist Socks. Note to self, don't buy nice merino unless you really know how to knit a pair of socks. I've got Sensational Socks by Charlene Schurch so hopefully I'll be able to do it right this time.

In addition to the socks I also finished another part of the 2005 Winter Interweave Knits Ballet Cardigan. It's the one on the cover. I'm making it with Lana Grosso's Easy Print in Pink.

I'm kind of on a roll with the whole pink thing. I've also cast on for a pair of socks in Knit Pick's Sock Garden in Star Gazer Lily. And I started a scarf with Lorna's Laces Chunky in Bittersweet. Thanks to Warren at Marin Fiber Arts. One of these days I'll actually post some photos.

And I'm still working on Luke's Besotted Scarf. I hope to have it finished by Valentine's Day.

So I've been thinking about what my next big New Year's Resolution is now that I have achieved being in a foreign country on New Year's Eve. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I'd like to knit full time.

A Grenadine Girl can dream can't she?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmmm....I'll have to think on that one. Mine was to be nicer. I'm having a real hard time with it! :)