Do you hear that sound? That's the sound of me relaxing. Don't know why, but this has been the first weekend in AGES where I've done nothing but crafts all weekend long. I've barely even left the house. I feel genuinely rested for the first time in months. Considering how many crafts I've tackled, you'd think I'd be a bit tired.
Of course I've been intending to work on the quilt all weekend long. Call it procrastination, call it compulsive inspiration. I found myself hounding my leftover stash of Musuem yarn from the flower basket bag. I was never happy with the outcome of that project. It was way too wonky. So I tried it again and this time it was better. I knit this smaller version in a day and felted it at about midnight last night. Who knew that hand felting could be so satisfying? My arms are a little sore from all of the squeezing.
Yes I know it doesn't seem like I've learned much. My edges could still be a bit neater, but it will probably look better once I've sewn the flowers on. And I'm planning to sew a lining inside.
Of course never one to be happy with starting just one project, in order to fully avoid the ones I'm working on now, I've also started a snazzy scarf. Made with Berroco Gem (ooo pricey ouch) and SWTC phoenix, it's going to be a dropped stitch affair. Just casting on brough a sense of zen to my well being.
I'm also working on another crystal palace chenille flower washcloth. The first one I made grew on me so I'm making another. AND I just bought a stash of the stuff on Ebay so you can imagine there's going to be more on the horizon.
So what are we avoiding? The quilt of course, but after this post I will be attacking the quilt for the rest of the day. I can't decide which movie to watch while I'm working. I have this library of films, but I've seen them all a million times. I'm leaning towards Moulin Rouge.
Before I forget I wanted to share with you the gorgeous package I received from FRANCE from the tres tres magnifique Cecille, my SP4 secret pal. She is so sweet. I wish I lived in France so that we could hang out and make things together. She also made me this AMAZING card with a little piece of knitting on it with two little toothpicks for knitting needles. It's not in the photo b/c I have it hangint at work to remind me of my true love of knitting.
Here's what I plan to do with the yarn, hopefully I can get it to the correct gauge!:
Thank you Cecile. Tu es la plus sympatique tricoteuse du monde! J'espere qu'on va au cafe a paris un jour avec nos projets.
Au revoir mes amis et joyeux tricoter (goodbye my friends and happy knitting!)
And so it continued by day and by night
12 years ago